
Welcome to Nitro Plant! Step into a world where your green thumb turns into cold, hard cash with every click! In this thrilling clicker game, your indoor garden isn't just a sanctuary of plants but a lucrative business venture.
Click on each plant in your digital greenhouse to earn money, which accumulates in your virtual wallet. The more you click, the more money you earn! Each plant offers its own click value, so strategize which ones to focus on to maximize your earnings.
But the excitement doesn't stop there! Head over to the shop where you can spend your hard-earned money on upgrades and expansions. Purchase new plant varieties to diversify your collection and increase your earning potential. Upgrade your gardening tools and equipment to boost the money you earn per click.
Explore different sections of your greenhouse, each housing a unique assortment of plants—from delicate orchids to robust cacti. Unlock special bonuses by collecting sets of plants, and earn achievements that showcase your mastery of indoor gardening.
Customize your greenhouse with decorations and enhancements that not only beautify your space but also increase your profitability. Watch your garden evolve from a modest collection of potted plants to a thriving botanical paradise.
With its captivating visuals, immersive gameplay and the satisfying sound of money piling up in your virtual account, NitroPlant:  promises an addictive experience that will keep you clicking for more. So, prepare to cultivate your way to riches and become the ultimate plant tycoon in this exhilarating clicker adventure!


click on the first plant to earn money then open up the shop and buy more. drag the plants around as you please.


by a 14 yr old
Updated 5 hours ago
Published 3 days ago
StatusIn development
PlatformsWindows, HTML5
GenreSimulation, Platformer
Tags2D, Clicker, Farming, Indie, Pixel Art, plant


Nitro Plant-1_0_2-windows.exe 60 MB


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Is this game still in development? It is a great idea, but needs a tutorial and some automation. 

yeah it is in development and thank you for the suggestions, I will try to implement as many of those as I can.

(1 edit) (+1)

Great last update, next you should focus on automation or something that gives money over time. And saving progress is also needed.

ye I'ma start working on saving it'll prob take me a few days

I would like you to check out the game I'm making.

I cant it ain't html APK or appimage

I found a hole on the right side, that you can use as a trash can, just throw something in there and it will disappear.

think you for telling me that I will try and fix